

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Special Visitors

Today we had some police officers and 2 police dogs visit.
We learned how to call 111 for help. We learned that we should know our address - please help us learn where we live.
We went in the dog handler's truck, put on armed defenders gear and patted Wookie. Then we watched Jagger chase a pretend 'baddie'.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Walking in the Jungle

This week our shared book was called 'Walking in the Jungle'. We made one of the characters from the story.
We are learning to be independent workers while the reading groups take turns to read their books with Mrs Ward.
Watch us make our jungle crocodiles all by ourselves... then take a walk in the jungle with us!

Thank you to Sara who took the last photo for us.

Monday, May 16, 2016

This is James and his first day

Friday Lunch

Mr Walker had us all dancing on the back field - he had an outside disco after we ate lunch. What fun!

All About 'i'

This week we made an iceberg and floated it. There was more ice under the water than above - just like a real iceberg in Antartica.
We also made iceblocks and ate them. Thanks, Mrs Lock for taking the photos of us tasting them.

Friday, May 6, 2016


What a way to start Friday....
Sport, water play and a room full of sensory experiences made for a fun developmental session.
A lovely end to a very busy week 1 of Term 2.

Monday, May 2, 2016