

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Bridge Building

We have been learning about the new bridge near the airport.
We thought about different types of bridges and what the bridges are for.
Then it was our turn ... we designed bridges of our own. Natalie and Leyan interview some of our bridge builders. We may have some future structural engineers in Room 17.

Friday, November 24, 2017

Wacky Day Friday

We had a great Wacky Day Friday.
Because we have our swimming lesson during Team Waka developmental time, we decided to have our own special developmental when we got back. We managed to fit in our reading (by reading our books to our reading partners) before we had an early lunch with our buddy class.
We enjoyed a talent show in the hall during lunchtime. After lunch we competed in buddy class relay races and then we went to a school disco to finish the day. Phew! What a day.
 Take a look at this video - it is a very quick snapshot of the day.

Thank you to Veronica who was our Developmental reporter.


We go swimming with Room 16 every morning. We have just finished a very successful first week of swimming.

Not only are we great swimmers.... we are amazingly independent at getting changed by ourselves and looking after all our clothes. Ka Pai Team 17

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Drawing Dragons

We drew dragons and then wrote descriptions about them. Listen to us read our stories. We have very quiet voices so turn up the volume to enjoy our stories!

Tech. week - making all sorts of things that start with PL

Our Room 17 Reporters showing you some of the clever things we made in PL week.

Reported by Mushal and Nate.

Reported by Connor.
We also made planes. Sam made an Emerites plane.

Kitty, Veronica and Ashton are sharing their planes with Room 17

Then we all made paper planes and went outside to test how they flew.

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Keeping Ourselves Safe

We have begun our new inquiry. How do we keep ourselves safe?
Step. 1. All about ourselves.
We have been learning about ourselves - how we are the same, how we are different and what is important to us.
We are learning to be able to say our name and address and what makes us special.
Because we are all stars and it is st week; we heard a story about sneetches and how they learned that it didn't matter what kind of sneetch they were, with stars or without stars, they were all special.
We made sneetchs and our own special stars.

We all have different fingerprints. We made fingerprint birds - they are all different but they are all beautiful!

First we made the wire and the fingerprints....then we created some very unique birds.